About Talent Sensitive

Who is Talent Sensitive?

Joke de Vreeze
Master Sociology – GAS Human Ecology (UGent- VUBrussels)
Mental Trainer/ Talent Coach
HSP Professional (VUBrussels)

The research we have started in 2020 is supported by prof. Greven (Radboudt University Nijmegen) and prof. Deconinck (UGent). 

We are happy to share that we have a wonderful network. 

Thanks and credits to our dear colleagues Séverine Van de Voorde, PhD Psychology, Suzanne Keyaerts, Kristien Taelman, Nicole Dewinter (BE), and Floor Raeijmaekers, ECHA Specialist in Gifted Education (NL). 

We guarantee your privacy and will not mention your name without prior explicit permission.

Coaching and training children, youngsters and adults is our ikigai.

Since 2015 we have chosen a different career path, driven by our passion and following new courses and education.

We started Talent&nest, our own institute and practice.
Coaching and training children, youngsters and adults is our ikigai.
In 8 years we have coached and trained young athletes in having a different mindset, in setting and achieving goals, and most of all in dealing with stress and emotions and in developing their personality.
We are looking forward to coach you, youngster, who is so motivated to learn and grow.
We are eager to learn and train your child, if you are the parent knowing your child, seeing that he or she needs something more, something else to grow and shine!
We are the organization to implement mental training and coaching in your club, if you are the director, a board member, a trainer of young athletes.

What do we do and
how do we do this?

For parents:

We listen to your demand, your questions and ask for support.

We question and measure the level of sensory processing sensitivity if you want, only for children older than 8y.

We make up a planning of adult coaching sessions and young athletes sessions.

For clubs/ organizations:

We listen to your demand, your questions and ask for support.

We can provide interesting training sessions for your trainers and staff, about growth mindset, about sensory processing sensitivity, about talents on identity level and about resilience.

We can also provide the most appropriate training for your clubs young athletes, integrated in the normal training schedule

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